Women’s menstrual regulation, TCM medical health preservation, TCM science, massage and chiropractic, TCM acupuncture.
Acupuncture is the general term for acupuncture and moxibustion. Pierce the patient’s body surface at an angle. Acupuncture techniques such as twirling and lifting are used to stimulate specific parts of the human body to achieve the purpose of treating diseases. Thrust point is called human acupoint, is called for short acupuncture point. Moxibustion is to burn prefabricated moxibustion wicks or moxibustion grass on certain acupuncture points on the body surface, and then press them again, so as to prevent and treat diseases by using thermal stimulation.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the meridian system in the human body is responsible for transporting “qi”, “blood” and “blood” throughout the body. These transport substances circulate in the body to keep various tissues and organs in the body in balance and stability. However, when the meridian system is blocked, the delivery of these substances will be affected, and “evil qi” (various factors that cause disease) will invade, and abnormal diseases will begin to appear in the human body at this time. When the needle is inserted into the human body, it will cause the body’s own reaction, strengthen the circulation of Qi and blood, overcome the blockage of the meridians, restore the meridian system to normal, and thus cure the disease.
Usually the most commonly used with Folium Artemisiae Argyi, so be called moxa-moxibustion, there are methods such as herbs-partition moxibustion, wick moxibustion, Ramulus Mori moxibustion.