Chinese Medicine Formula
Women’s menstrual regulation, TCM medical health preservation, TCM science, massage and chiropractic, TCM acupuncture.
Hong Kong Kowloon JUPITER TCM CLINIC adopts the concept of the overall world view of Chinese medicine, guides the treatment based on syndrome differentiation, and seeks the root of the disease as the principle. According to the physique of the health-preserving person, the Chinese medicine program is selected to regulate the qi, blood and body fluid of the viscera, in order to achieve the yin and yang of the body. balance.
In order to keep pace with the development of modern society, JUPITER TCM Health selects high-quality concentrated herbal granules from different suppliers. The categories include relieving the exterior, clearing heat and purging fire, drying dampness, cooling blood, detoxifying, digesting food, laxative, and expelling wind , dehumidification, warming the interior, hemostasis, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, resolving phlegm, resuscitating, relieving cough, regulating qi and so on. With the most complete configuration, it should be responsible for various stages of disease.
After the preparation of the granule, you only need to open a cup of 95-degree hot water, then add the powder to dissolve, soak and stir until completely dissolved, and then take it when the water temperature is suitable.
The method of taking the medicine is the same as that of traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces. For example, take cold medicine before meals, then eat hot porridge, and cover it with blankets to sweat. Intestinal cleansing medicine should be taken in the morning and before meals. Strong drugs are best taken after meals. However, you must follow the doctor’s instructions in individual cases. If you have any doubts, you should ask your doctor for verification.